Leading in tough times requires strong Focus, Accountability and Teamwork

 Give your leaders the skills they need to succeed.

Webinar Series: Leading in Changing Times

Our leadership team loves the Webinar Series! We look forward to every session. I’m seeing positive changes in attitudes and behavior, including my own! Can’t wait for next month!
— Judith Gilihur, CFO, TX

Learning Objectives

Session I
Eliminate Blame, Complaining and Procrastination and Victim Thinking
Inspire a Culture of Personal Accountability  

Session 2
Stay Focused and Prioritize Workload 

Session 3
Address Performance Issues and Coach Team Members
Demonstrate How To Hire Tough and Retain the Right People 

Our favorite things about the sessions is the interaction. We learn so much from each other, and from other leaders all across the country!
— Starla Griffith, R.N., M.S., V.P. Nursing, OK

Session 4
Use Constructive Feedback as a Learning Tool
Define Why Integrity is the Foundation of Trust
Move Positively Through Change 

Session 5
Accept Responsibility for Time Management
Keep Team Members Motivated
Develop Action Items that will Impact Leadership Legacy


Additional Information

The most effective leadership development Series at our hospital in the last 10 years!
— Dorothy Wong, Hospital Director, CA

Bridge the Leadership Knowledge Gap
Many leaders earn positions because they're technically talented. Often, there is a gap between technical proficiency and leadership savvy. Costs associated with inadequately prepared leadership are staggering. As the shortage of healthcare professionals becomes increasingly acute, and reimbursement levels continue to shrink, leadership mentoring is a priority.

Time and budgets are tight. This is practical--immediately applicable training your leaders need--at a price you can afford. I served as a leader in a hospital for eight years, and would have given anything to have training like this! Healthcare leaders across the country agree.


The Investment
Please contact Mentor Rx for pricing. Registration includes up to 35 participants per connection for all five sessions! 

Series dates are customized for registrants. If participants miss a session, they can listen to the recorded session any time. Classes are very interactive. Participants work together in small groups to apply lessons learned.

Target Audience
Designed for leaders, managers and supervisors at all levels.

This Series provided our leadership team with practical solutions to some of our most frustrating issues. We’re excited about participating again.
— Ed Gamache, CEO, MI



Why It Works
Includes practical skill building. Participants demonstrate competence through field work and class discussion. Concepts are simple and applicable. They're relevant to the challenges leaders face every day.

Continuing Education Credits
Participants receive a certificate of completion following the Series, plus documentation needed to obtain CEU's. Facilities are responsible for obtaining CEU's for individual participants.